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How to make a Paper Cube

The last lesson tells how you will get a nice box from one square piece of paper. Here one can know about a universal cube.

You need 6 (six) square pieces of paper. Choose a paper’s size yourself, but all square pieces must be of one size. The color may be different: red, blue, green, orange, white. It does not matter. You can use one color or some colors at once. It only depends on your choice.

Every paper’s piece has the same diagram. You will get the same 6 (six) modules and then you need to combine them into a cube.

Use the video description below this text to create the cube. All creative work will take you 20 – 30 minutes.

Ok, you have many ways to use this model now. For example:

- it may be a handy box, because it has a cover;

- it may be a game for little children. Write or draw numbers, letters, pictures of animals, flowers, nature, etc. on each side of the cube. It will look like an entertaining puzzle.

- and, of course, this activity can be interesting and relaxing.

Автор: Olya Russ   
Дата: 2013-02-22   

Good luck!

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