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How to make a Paper Star

The Stars from this video are made from paper. It is a very nice and simple handcraft.

Such stars are very popular and they can be used as Christmas decorations and nice supplements to presents. And, of course, this activity can be interesting and relaxing.

If you want to study to create them, prepare a piece of colored paper and find a little bit of time.

You don’t need a square piece of paper. Stars of this video lesson are made with narrow stripes of paper. You can cut such stripes from a sheet of colored paper or use a magazine's pages. You need only to cut narrow stripes and then to weave the star.

Use one or two stripes for weaving one star. A number of stripes depends on width and length of a piece of paper.

For example, make a stripe of the following size: width – 1cm, length – 29cm. If you don’t have such a long sheet of paper, use two stripes. You will get a very nice star and a real inspiration!

Автор: Olya Russ   
Дата: 2013-02-09   

Good luck!

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